Categories South America Travel

Argentina and Uruguay: Colonia Del Sacramento

Colonia Del Sacramento is really a beautiful town. We arrived on a lovely night and were quickly able to find a really nice little boutique hotel to stay called the Hotel Riviera. After checking in, the first thing we did was walk down to the waterfront and along with the other tourist to see the beautiful sunset.

Colonia Del Sacramento is a bit of tourist town, but they have maintained the rustic and old world feel to make it a pleasant experience. Many of the streets are brick with stucco houses lining the sides, all with a Spanish flair to them.

The first few days in town were fantastic with the nice weather, the sights, and the lovely little hotel. Unfortunately, I picked up a bit of a cold. So as the rain began, drenching us in freezing weather and increasing the misery of my cold, which was preventing me from sleeping, I began to look forward to home. However, we won’t get into the bad stuff, or the scarlet fever, that my cold turned out to be. Instead, here are a couple of nice pictures from the town.

Argentina and Uruguay

Argentina and Uruguay

Argentina and uruguay

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